There're many kinds of tourism. You can go to another country with a permit and also you can go yourself.
You can choose trip on permit or traveling on foot tourism, this depends on your possibilities and desires.
When you choose a trip on permit you come at some hotel, live here and see sights of your country.
When you choose a foot tourism you can come to mountains or to a lake or in the forest and etc. (etc.- это "и так далее")
At all I prefer a trip on permit, because you possible do not worry about payment and I can take fancy of the rest.)))
Ingredients for Pizza with smoked salmon :
Salmon - 50g
capers - 1 table spoon
Onion - 1
cheese - 150 g
sour cream - 3 table spoon
dill - 20 g
lemon juice - 1 table spoon
Preparation: Prepare the pizza dough (according to your favorite recipe). Roll the dough, brush it with olive oil.Mix Sour cream with lemon juice and dill. Put it on a thin layer of dough. Put the red onion, cut into half rings. Cut smoked salmon / salmon into thin slices and put it on top of onions. Spread capers over all the pizza and sprinkle with grated cheese. Bake in preheated oven for 15-20 minutes.