1) They had their breakfast in а small cafe. 2) They met their friends, Kate and Jim, near the cinema. 3) They all saw а new interesting film. 4) They саmе to the Italian Pizza House to have dinner. 5) After dinner Sam and Jane said goodbye to their friends. 6) Sam and Jane саmе home at six o'clock. 7) At home they made tea and drank it with some chocolate cake. 8) In the evening Sam and Jаnе listened to music and read books. 9) Jane wrote а letter to her mother in Brighton. 10) Sam took а shower and Jane а bath. 11) Sam and Jane watched... television late at night.
1. The river Thames flowS from west to east and divideS London into two parts. - показатель 3-го лица единственного числа глагола в Present Indefinite Река Темза протекает с Запада на Восток и делит Лондон на две части.
2. Westminster Abbey is the place at which coronationS of all British kingS and queenS take place. - признак множественного числа имени существительного Вестминстерское аббатство-место, где происходят коронации всех британских королей и королев.
3. The most striking building in the City today is St. Paul'S Cathedral designed by Sir Christopher Wren, a famous English architect of the 17th century. - показатель притяжательного падежа имени существительного На сегодняшний день самое поразительное здание в районе Сити – это собор Святого Павла, спроектированный Сэром Кристофером Реном, известным английским архитектором 17-го века.
2) They met their friends, Kate and Jim, near the cinema.
3) They all saw а new interesting film.
4) They саmе to the Italian Pizza House to have dinner.
5) After dinner Sam and Jane said goodbye to their friends.
6) Sam and Jane саmе home at six o'clock.
7) At home they made tea and drank it with some chocolate cake.
8) In the evening Sam and Jаnе listened to music and read books.
9) Jane wrote а letter to her mother in Brighton.
10) Sam took а shower and Jane а bath.
11) Sam and Jane watched... television late at night.