To feel relief to rub eyes a blow of a wind confused to snore to nap to whisper in a while a storm a pleasant evening alex and professor decided to look around. they went on a dangerous journey to look for the center of the earth they saw huge elephants they were in the centre of the earth caught found left met was didn't go did you come my best friend used to be olivia she used to have red hair we didn't use to go together everywhere i used to tidy my room very often did you use to go to school on foot or by bus? until went after then as soon as ireland is part of the u.k. and has the same weather.
Здравствуйте,сейчас я поговорю с вами на важную тему."Почему мы все разные?".Действительно люди, живущие на Земле, отличаются цветом кожи, ростом, разрезом глаз и имеют еще массу различий. Даже в одной семье все ее члены уникальны – у них различные отпечатки пальцев, роговица глаз, рост, строение лица...Положительное качество : Каждый человек индивидуален.Отрицательное качество: Людям нужны друзья,у которых схожи вкусы с ними,а таких мало.По поводу этого я считаю следующее:Это прекрасно,что мы все такие разные,ведь если бы мы были очень похожи,то жизнь была бы скучна! Hello, now I will talk to you on an important subject."Why all of us different?"Really the people living on Earth differ in skin color, growth, a section of eyes and have a weight more of distinctions. Even in one family all her members are unique – they have various fingerprints, a cornea of eyes, growth, a structure of the person...Merit: Each person is individual.Negative quality: People need friends at whom tastes are similar to them, and such it isn't enough.Concerning it I consider the following:It is fine that all of us such different, after all if we were very similar, life would be boring!
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