Вставьте подходящий модальный глагол (can / must/ mustn't)
1. you see anything in this dark room?
2. It’s prohibited to go into that building. You goin.
3. Kate speakEnglish.
4. The meeting is very important. We belate.
5. Pupils smoke.
6. It is already six o’clock. We hurry if we don’t want to be late.
7. Most children slide on the ice very well.
8. You find any kind of information on the Internet.
9. You talk loudly in libraries.
10. He read and write in English
2. I like apples, I eat them a lot.
3. This CD-player doesn’t work, it is broken.
4. She is not guilty. Don’t cry at her.
5. I hope that you believe me .
6. We don’t know her well. She is very unsociable
1. They (подлежащее) train (сказуемое) my brother. - Они тренируют моего брата.
2. Her French (подлежащее) leaves (сказуемое) much to be desired. - Ее французский оставляет желать лучшего.
3. Then he (подлежащее) took (сказуемое) a chest X-ray. - Он сделал рентген грудной клетки.
4. His business trip (подлежащее) will last (сказуемое) 2 days. - Его командировка продлится 2 дня.
5. Her car (подлежащее) broke down (сказуемое) yesterday. - У нее вчера сломалась машина.