1) Are they going not to stay at an expensive hotel?
They are not going to stayи тд ...
2) Are we going not to spend our honeymoon in Thailand
We are not going to spend
3) Does the internet give you useful information?
The internet doesn't give you
4) Is not everyone going to play games and dance ?
Not everyone is going to ...
5) Is anyone going to play games and dance?
Nobody is going to play games and dance
6) Is she not going to buy souvenirs for her family and friends ?
She is not going to buy
7) Are you going to spend your honeymoon in Thailand?
You are not going to spend
Вопросительные предложения в конструкции to be going to ( собираться что либо сделать) строятся по схеме:
Глагол выносится на первое место (is либо are/ is для he she it. are для they we you ), далее подлежащее/лицо, а затем глагол going to.
Are they going not to stay at an expensive hotel?
Отрицательные предложения строятся по схеме:
Подлежащее/лицо + глагол ( is либо are) + частица отрицания (not) + going to
They are not going to stay
Попробуйте остальное сделать сами, удачи!
It is bordered by Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia and Ecuador.
If you looked in Trujillo, you book a date with the picturesque ruins of the ancient capital of the Chimu empire - Chan Chan. Amazingly beautiful huge city was once built of clay and stones to become the largest military structure of its time.
Colca Canyon is the deepest canyon in the world is located 180 kilometers from Arequipa.Breathtaking when you stand on the observation deck Cruz del Condor and watched the swift giant Andean condor, tearing the silence piercing cries.
I was once there. This place is both easy and mobile, now there are a lot of tourists.I really liked this place and I'd love to see him a couple of times.