Задание: написать письмо другу согласно основным требованиям (смотреть ссылку с образцом написания письма).
В содержании письма:
-описать современную ситуации в стране и в мире
- описать свой рабочий день
- с его мнение о нынешней ситуации
- задать во о самочувствии и положении его дел в семье и в учебе
2) How does Alice usually spend time at the seaside? Usually Alice spendstime at the seaside by lieing in the sun.
3) What did the Halls buy at the market yesterday? The Halls bought at the market yesterday a lot of fruit and vegetables.
4) How will Carol get to the airport tomorrow morning?She will get to the airport by taxi.
5) What hotel are going the Browns to stay in LONDON next time? The are going to stay in the hotel Radisson next time.
6) Where is Dennis travelling right now? He is travilling round the USA right now.