II. Переведите текст. Выпишите из текста предложения, в которых глаголы используются в форме Participle, Gerund, Passive Voice.
Houses can be made of many different materials. You might live in a house built mainly of bricks, or in a block of flats built of concrete. Bricks and concrete are the most common building materials used. Some other building materials you might see used are stone, wood, plastics and metal.
You will probably see many different kinds of materials used for building roofs, this may include grey slate, red tiles, straw thatch, metals and green or black roofing felt
2. Quiet please! I am writing a test
3. She usually walks to school
4. But look! Today she is going by bike
5. Every Sunday we go to see my grandparents
6. He often goes to the cinema
7. I am not doing anything at the moment
8. Does he watch the news regularly?
9. Look! They are leaving the house
10. Brain cycles 30 km every day
11. My parents are shopping right now
12. He usually gets up early in the morning
13. We're helping in the kitchen this week
14. Martin usually drives to work
15. But today, he is taking the bus