Заполните пропуски в предложениях словами из рамки. Запишите предложения.
СЛОВА:take, is keen, fond of, gets, give up, mad, enjoyable, out of, relaxing, change, stamps, challenging
I up tennis twice a week.
He is about football.
My little sister on collecting stickers.
It’s an exciting from school and homework!
I’m travelling abroad.
Some students doing sport in their free time.
I want to try something , skiing for example.
Her granny collects different .
My best friend Max thinks that there is nothing more and than listening to music.
She a lot running in the morning
2) They (will visit) their parents next month if they ( get) letter from them.
3) Jack (will miss) the train if he (does not hurry).
4) When he ( feels) better, he (will invite) us.
5) She (will finish) her work when she (is) at the office.
6) What will she ( do) when she ( returns) home?
7) I (will take) my child to the Zoo if I ( have) time.
8) Nick (will send) us a postcard when he ( gets) to Kyiv.
9) They (will not swim) if the water (is) cold.
10) I (will not go) for a walk before my parents ( come) home.
11) We (will phone) our son when ( comes) home.
12) Tell me, when will they (arrive)?
13) I ( will go) to the country if it (does not snow).
14) She will go for a walk if it (does not rain).
15) He will not do) anything if you (do not tell) him to.
16) I (will do) my homework if I (am not) tired.
17) They (will be) very surprised, when they ( meet) him here.
18) We will have) dinner at two o’clock if mother ( comes) in time.
19) When my mother hears) it, she (will be) glad.
20) We will (watch) TV if the weather (is) bad.