Вопрос переводится так: скажите. что вы обычно делаете на уроке и во время перерыва. I'm working on the lessons and listen carefully what the teacher says. I try not to be distracted and to work hard.During the break, I first prepared for the lesson, and then do my own thing, or play with your friends.Перевод:На уроках я внимательно слушаю что говорит учитель.Я стараюсь не отвлекаться и усердно писать. На переменах я первым делом подготавливаюсь у уроку. а потом занимаюсь своими делами или играю с друзьями.
1. I have an interesting book on the table. There is an interesting book on the table. I have an interesting book in my portfolio. 2. He's got no mistakes in the dictation. There are no mistakes in this dictation. He has no mistakes. 3. There are many interesting articles in this newspaper. She has many interesting articles. She has many interesting articles in the magazine. 4. They have few English magazines on the table. They have few English magazines. There are few English magazines on the table. 5. We did not have paper yesterday. There was no paper on the desk yesterday. We did not have paper on the desk yesterday. 6. There is a school near my house. The school is near my house. 7. In the center of the city is the theater. The theater is in the center of the city. 8. Error in the fifth sentence. In the fifth sentence there is an error. 9. The textbook on the table. On the table are books. 10. In this lesson nit many new grammar rules. New grammatical rules on the tenth page. 11. There are no new words in this English article. New words on the board.