When I was at school, I was especially good in chemistry, biology, and in other subjects everything was fine. At school, I got into the habit of helping people when I need help, provide any support. After that I decided that I’ll choose the direction of the profession - “medical assistant.” I was interested in watching the work of doctors in clinics, ambulances, walking down the street. I started watching TV shows, films about medicine, reading informative literature! To achieve my goal, I began to work more Having entered the entrance test for a high score, I entered the ranks of the Medical College, enrolled in the Faculty of "Medicine" of the budget department. I have to study hard and hard to become a good specialist in my field, to be able to help people. The job duties of my profession are : the implementation of any medical care; the diagnosis of typical most common diseases + prescription of treatment; the provision of first aid, assist the doctor in operations, to take normal birth; sanitary inspection; documentation; anti-epidemic measures, etc. There are certainly career options in this profession, there would be a desire.
1)Whose is this car?
Чья это машина?
2)Whose was that notebook?
Чья это была тетрадь?
3)Whose turn will be tommorow?
Чья очередь будет завтра?
4)Whose are these speakers?
Чьи это спикеры?
5)Whose is this bag?
Чья это сумка?