Analyse the following sentences from Pragmatic and Semantic perspectives:
1. John F. Kennedy was assassinated. -
2. Do you want to do it again?
3. I have a few friends here. – You are lucky! I have few friends, but I am going to change it.
4. Sabina sang a song.
Sara performed an Indian dance
My parents are not old at all. My Mum is forty, she works for newspaper. My Dad is forty-four, he is an engineer in computers. My parents love their jobs very much.
I'm doing quite well at school. My parents are proud of my marks. I go in for sports. I play basket-ball. In summer time I like yachting and windsurfing. I take part in different basket-ball competitions. In a year I shall finish my school and I have to decide what occupation to choose I have been studying English for seven years. I want to be a military interpreter. My grandparents are already retired. They like gardening and spend all their time growing tomatoes, potatoes, onions, strawberries, raspberries.