1. I like sports very much.
2. I know such winter kind of sports as skiing, skating, snowboarding, hockey.
3. I can't play hockey.
4. I'm good at skating. l was seven when I learned to skate.
5. I go in for swimming.
6. I play games after classes in the park.
7. I like spend much time on sport.
8. My friend friend plays tennis.
9. My sister likes skating best of all.
10. She likes to go to the stadium.
11. She goes there once a week.
12. She goes to the stadium alone or with her friend.
у местоимений таким
I am
You are
He, she, it IS
They are
You are we are
Настоящее время. Используются глаголы в начальной форме.
I work Я работаю (всегда, часто)
They work они работают
He workS ( у he, she, it к глаголу добавляется S).
Слова индикаторы этого времени always, often, never, sometimes, seldom...
I am 12.
I am from Saratov.
He is stupid.
Вопрос и отрицание образуется с вс глагола DO (DOES у he, she, it)
Do you love me?
Do they work there?
Does she know him? (Употребляя does основной глагол идет без S)
We do not deserve this.
Past simple глагол to be это was. were
I was
You were
He, she, it was
They were
You were
We were
She was very young.
Время происходит в
Глаголы употребляются в форме, это добавление к глаголу ed
Cry - criED
Неправильные глаголы идут во второй колонке нужно знать наизусть.
Вопросом и отрицанием выступает DID
What did you do last summer?
I didn’t know that.
Слова индикаторы этого времени
Last (month, week, year, season...), yesterday, long time ago...