Английский текст:
A skyscraper is a very tall multi-storey building with a load-bearing steel, reinforced concrete or composite frame, designed for the life and work of people. The largest skyscraper and building in the world is the Burj Khalifa. The minimum height of a skyscraper building is controversial. In the United States and Europe, skyscrapers are considered to be buildings with a height of at least 150 m. It comes from the Russian sky and scratch, tracing paper with it. Wolkenkratzer or skyscraper, from sky + scrape.
Русский текст:
Небоскрёб - это очень высокое многоэтажное здание с несущим стальным, железобетонным или композитным каркасом, предназначенное для жизни и работы людей. Самый большой небоскреб и здание в мире - Бурдж-Халифа. Минимальная высота здания-небоскрёба является спорной. В США и Европе небоскрёбами принято считать здания высотой не менее 150 м. Слово "небоскреб" происходит от русского небо и скрести, калька с нем. Wolkenkratzer или англ. skyscraper, от sky «небо» + scrape «скрести, соскребать».
Capital punishment was abolished (Past Simple Passive) in England in November 1965.
In England there are no minimum sentences, except for murder, which carries a penalty of life imprisonment, but life sentences are rarely more than 14 years, because they can be reduced (Present Simple Passive) for good behavior, often by one third or more.
Some murders are committed (Present Simple Passive) by criminals evading arrest, by insane or mentally disturbed people, by cold-blooded sadists completely devoid of all human feelings.
The important thing in the prevention of murder is to eliminate the weapons and instruments with which these crimes are committed, (Present Simple Passive) and to stop the dangerous influence of violence in books, films, and other mass media, from which some criminals derive their “inspiration”.
Punishment can also be seen (Present Simple Passive) as a reform because it warns other people of what will happen if they tempt to break the law.