98 Read and match to make sentences. 1 d People call Mars the Red planet 2 Mars hasn't got any blue oceans 3 A day on Mars is 24 hours 4 Mars has got four seasons a and 39 minutes. b but they are different to ours. c or green land. d because of its colour.
One girl was home alone.Suddenly the phone rang,an unfamiliar voice said to her: "girl,girl, the coffin on wheels left the cemetery,your street is looking for".The girl began to panic and cry,suddenly, she again called,the same voice told her "girl,girl, the coffin on wheels has found your street,your house is looking for".She began to panic even more...Suddenly there was a last phone call,the voice told her "girl,girl, the coffin on wheels has found your house,he knocks you in the door."The girl heard a loud knock at the door,she tried to hide,but it was too late...the girl's Mother returned home late at night and found his daughter dead.And in its mouth was a small wheel
Напишите ответы и будьте готовы ответить перед классом. когда вы делаете эти вещи? 1. встаете - I get up at : 7am 2. завтракаете - I have breakfast at : 7:20am 3. отдыхаете - I have rest at... 4. обедаете - I have lunch at.. 3. идете в школу - I go to school at.. 4. выгуливаете собаку - I walk the dog at.. every day 5. смотрите тв - I watch TV at.. I like cartoons 6. идете спать - I go to bed at.. 7. делаете домашнюю работу - I do my home work at.. 8. читаете книги - I read books at.. usually it's novels(романы), detective stories(детективы) 9. ужинаете - I have dinner at.. 10. гуляете - I go for a walk at.. every evening with my friends. 11. идете на работу - I go to work at.. или I don't go to work, because I m a pupil. 12. чистите в своей комнате - I clean my room at.. in Sunday