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"I'm having lunch now", Jane said.
Варианты ответов
Jane said I was having lunch then.
Jane said she was having lunch now.
Jane said she was having lunch then.
Jane said she is having lunch then.
Во Варианты ответов
Mother said that the children had played in the yard yesterday.
Mother said that the children had played in the yard the day before.
Mother said that the children played in the yard yesterday.
Mother said that the children played in the yard the day before.
Во Варианты ответов
Mr Smith said that they are flying to Moscow the next day.
Mr Smith said that they was flying to Moscow the next day.
Mr Smith said that they were flying to Moscow tomorrow.
Mr Smith said that they were flying to Moscow the next day.
Во Варианты ответов
They said that she hadn't met Sam a week before.
They said that she hadn't meet Sam a week before.
They said that she didn't met Sam a week before.
They said that she hadn't met Sam a week ago.
Во Варианты ответов
George said that I would do it next week.
George said that he would do it next week.
George said that I would do it the following week.
George said that he would do it the following week.
Во Варианты ответов
The pupils said that they have done the task.
The pupils said that they had done the task.
The pupils said that we have done the task.
The pupils said that we had done the task.
Во Варианты ответов
Parents said that teachers can teach anybody.
Parents said that teachers could teach anybody.
Parents said that teachers taught anybody.
Parents said that teachers had taught anybody.
Во Варианты ответов
The boy said that he was there.
The boy said that he was here.
The boy said that he is there.
The boy said that I am here.
Во Варианты ответов
Sam said his dad that he was fine.
Sam said his dad that he is fine.
Sam told his dad that he was fine.
Sam told his dad that I was fine.
Во Варианты ответов
Ann told that they had got lost.
Ann said Mary that they had got lost.
Ann said to that they had got lost.
Ann said to Mary that they had got lost.
Тюлени очень хорошо при к проживанию в холодных морях. Все их тело, в том числе, ласты и короткий хвост, покрыто грубым густым волосом, защищающим животное от ледяной воды, снега, льда и пронизывающего ветра. Под кожей у всех тюленей находится довольно толстый слой жира.Обитают тюлени вблизи морских берегов умеренных районов Северного полушария. Они никогда не заплывают далеко от берегов и, иногда, поселяются в крупных реках и пресных озерах. Ареал их распространения тянется вдоль побережий Атлантики до границы полярных льдов и вдоль Американского и Дальневосточного побережий Тихого океана.Это, сравнительно, мелкие животные. При длине тела самца примерно в 1,5 м. масса достигает 50 кг и изменяется в пределах 50-150 кг в зависимости от времени года. Самка примерно таких же размеров. В районе Тихого океана проживает особенно крупная раса тюленей. Голова у них округлая, с короткой шеей, морда как бы немного обрубленная, глаза большие, туловище коренастое. Цвет окраски значительно варьирует от желтовато-серого с темно-бурыми пятнами до почти черного с белыми пятнами неправильной формы. Зубы крупные, а клыки хорошо развиты. Сосков у самок только одна пара. На лице вибриссы с волнистыми краями.