1) 1. since 2. for 3. since 4. for 5. since
2) 1. I have studied german since 2012 2. Simon has been on holiday since saturday 3. I have lived in paris for 5 years 4. Jim has known Paul since February 5. John has played tennis for 2 years
3) 1. didnt do 2. will eat 3. fell off, took 4. lost 5. painted 6. arrived discovered forgot
4) My favourite actor is tom Hiddleston. He plays so different and amazing roles. My favourtite film with him is Thor.Tom plays Loki there. He doesnt play the main role, But people love his character because he is more interesting then the main charachter Thor. Also he played in romantic but so scary film Crimson Peak. I totally adore his character there. He is so interesting actor and man as well. He is becoming more and more popular every day.I cant wait for his new roles and films.
Diane said that she liked her new job.
‘I’m very busy’. — She said she was very busy.
‘I am so busy these days.’ - Jack said that he was very busy those days.
‘I am tired,’ said Helen. — Helen said that she was tired.
‘My family moved to Paris.’ — Sam said that his family had moved to Paris.
Указательные местоимения this/these меняются на that/those, если за ними следует обозначение времени.
this week — that week;
these days — those days.
Если за местоимениями this/these следуют другие слова (не обозначающие время), то в косвенной речи они изменяются на определённый артикль the.
‘I have already read this book,’ he said. — He said he had already read the book.
Если местоимения this/these употребляются самостоятельно, в косвенной речи они изменяются на it и they/them.
‘This is a strange thing,’ Sally said. — Sally said that it was a strange thing.
Eiffel Tower or Tower at Lichen Basilica тк его высота 324м