on everybody's life there comes a time when you have to decide your future specialization. my choice is obvious it's a engineer for renable energy. the non-renewable resources were being depleted, so future for endless resourses. thanks to this decision i kill two birds with one stone, if humanity will be able to receive storage of resourses, i'll be a knight, if they can't - we'll going to die anyway.
in my humble opinion the most popular work will be simple labor, 'cause whoever you're working for, you will receive the same salary give or take. the gap between social classes will grow and grow. only the most talented people receive the best benefit, that's capitalism works.
for my future work it will be very important to get a good technical education. it's physics, the most important areas in maths theory, programming, economy, mechanical drawing and world language. that's my plan.
1. Bonjour! The inventor of the telephone was born in Scotland but moved to Canada at he age of 23. What's his name?
2. Guten Tag! A scientist from Germany changed the way we think about time and space. What's his name?
3. Hello! A film legend was born in the UK. He's famous for silent films and his little black hat. What's his name?
4. Ni hao! China is the birth place of a very famous thinker. Who said i hear and i forget. I see and i remember. I do and i understand?
5. Dzien dobry! The first woman to win a Nobel prize was born in Warsaw, Poland. What's her name?
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