- Откройте учебник на стр. 65 и выполните упр. 2. Внимательно прочитайте и устно переведите задание. Затем ознакомьтесь с во левый столбец) и ответами на них (правый столбец) Вам нужно соотнести номер во с буквой верного ответа на него. При выполнении данного упражнения обратитесь к тексту упр. 8 на стр. 57. В тексте содержится вся необходимая информация для определения верных ответов на во Задание выполнить карандашом в учебнике.
1. a
2. c
3. b
4. b
5. b
1. Every day I use the inventions of people from the past. I drive a car, use the Internet, turn on the light bulbs.
2. Carl Benz
3. Karl Friedrich Benz was a German engine designer and car engineer, generally regarded as the inventor of the gasoline-powered automobile.
4. Because people want to make their lives easier by inventing
5. It would be teleport
6. I would like to invent teleport to be able to quickly move between cities and countries of our planet
7. Travel would become more affordable, you wouldn't have to use cars that pollute the atmosphere..
8. Yes, I do
9. If people used to think that flying in the sky was something impossible, then why wouldn't teleports become possible?
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