Соедините два предложения с подходящей причастной конструкцией
1. We sat in the living-room. We discussed the new film.
2. She passed her driving test. She bought a car.
3. She has chosen the song. She did her best to perform it successfully.
4. We arrived late. We didn’t find anybody at home.
5.He walked in the wood. He sang as he went.
6. I thought it would be cold, so I took my coat.
7. She hoped he would be there. She went to the party.
8. Kate performed successfully. She was awarded the first prize.
9. Jane finished the letter. She went to the post-office.
10. He was very ill. He couldn’t attend classes.
You mustn't go to the theatre in the evenings if you are under age 6.
You must be quiet during the performance.
You mustn't take food to the hall of the theatre. If you are hungry, you should wait until the break.
You mustn't take photos without administrator's permission.
You must go to the hall before the third call.
You mustn't smoke in the hall.
You mustn't drink any strong drinks.
You mustn't take cutting and piercing items, any type of the gun.
You mustn't go to the theatre if you're ill. Coughing and sneezing can interrupt actors.
If you want to give flowers to the actors, you must ask the administrator's permission. Safety is above all.