The word “Constitution” originates from Latin constitutio, which means “organization, arrangement”. Constitution is a set of rules and practices that determine the composition and functions of the organs of central and local government in the state and regulate the relations between the individual and the state. Constitution is the highest legal form, which officially confirms values, institutions and norms of the constitutional system. Constitution is a sign of the statehood. Normally the Constitution is adopted by the Parliament.
There are two concepts of Constitution – formal and legal. As for the legal one it is always the definite system of legal norms regulating certain social relations. As for the formal constitution it presents these relations in their actual functioning.
Due to the form Constitutions are divided into codified, non-codified and mixed. The codified constitution is the written act dealing with all general matters of the constitutional character. If these matters are regulated by several written acts and statutes we are speaking about the non-codified constitution. The constitution of the mixed type includes parliamentary laws, trial precedents, as well as customs and doctrine interpretations, i.e. it is partially written.
As for the way to amend the constitutions they are divided into adaptable and rigid. The first ones may be amended by means of adopting the certain law. The second category requires the special procedure basing on the qualified majority of MPs or in the particular case – the Referendum for approving these amendments.
The constitutions may be divided into permanent and temporary due to the terms of their functioning.
Завдання 2. Поставте до тексту 10 питань.
Завдання 3. Випишить 10 термінів по темі "Constitution" з тексту па перекладить їх.
Завдання 4. Напишить стислий переказ тескту (10-15 речень) власними словами.
Put the verbs in brackets in the Past Simple or in the Present Perfect.
1. I have never been
(never/be) to the USA.
2. He has lived
(live) in this street all his life.
3. His father didn't come
(not come back) to London last Sunday.
4. Yan wrote
(write) a letter to Nick two days ago.
5. Did he send
(send) his letter yesterday?
6. They have just bought
(just/ buy) some postcards?
7. I (have, just) have just had
a nice pot of coffee. Would you like a cup?
8. I (see, not) haven't seen
Steve this morning yet.
9. I (not go) didn't go
to Paris in 2003 and 2006.
10. I (be) have never been
to Italy.