The museum in Taldom was opened on May 1, 1920. In 1922, on the initiative of the writer Mikhail Prishvin, the local society of local lore was created, which provided the museum with invaluable assistance in collecting materials. In 1931, the museum received a two-story house, which before the revolution belonged to the merchant of the first guild Dmitry Ivanovich Volkov.
In the 20-30 years of the last century, the museum staff made a number of ethnographic expeditions around the area and collected rich material on the history of the area, handicrafts, archival materials about the life of the Saltykovs, furniture, books, photographs and many other documents.
In 1986, on the occasion of the 160th anniversary of M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin, a museum named after him was opened in the writer's homeland in the village of Spas-Ugol. This is how the first branch of the Taldom Museum appears. In 1992, a second branch was established - in the village of Dubrovki - the birthplace of the Silver Age poet, a close friend of Yesenin, Sergei Antonovich Klychkov. In 1993, the Taldom Museum of Local Lore received the status of a historical and literary museum. For the exposition of the branches, exhibits from the funds of the Taldomsky district Historical and Literary Museum are used