Nauryz is the long-awaited holiday of spring, symbolizing the beginning of the new year.This is a great day revered among the Kazakh people. Celebration of Nauryz falls on March 22.In the past, the Kazakhs called the ulys-kuns the New Year's holiday - the day of the unification of the entire tribe.This is where the tradition began on this day for the whole family to gather at the festive table, dress up the best clothes, give each other gifts, wish well and prosperity. On the day of the beginning of the new year, it is customary to forget all insults, and those who are in a quarrel will be reconciled.Themain ritual dish on the table on the Nauryz holiday has always been kozhe.The dish consists of seven ingredients representing the beginning of life.
Получается по порядку предложенных слов..for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so.
1. Fans love to watch Anna, for she dances beautifully.
2. She is a graceful dancer, and people enjoy watching her.
3. She hasn't taken dance lessons, nor does she need to.
4. Her technique is unconventional, but the effect is striking.
5. She can fill an audience with joy, or she can bring people to tears.
6. Other dancers try to imitate her style, yet they have not succeeded.
7. She is talented, so she will attract fans for many years to come.
1.незнаю либо не правильно написано, либо я
2.He wants to take me back out away to the park.
3.She took off her hat when she came home.
4.I will take out this toy, it is not in order.
5.аптечка первой
6.вредная еда
7.клетчатые шерстяные подушки
8.прямоугольная простая серебряная рамка
9.газированные напитки
10.стационарный магазин
11.большая очередь людей
12.холодный как огурец
13.низким содержанием жира йогурт
14.Вы - это то, что вы едите.
5. Choose the correct word.
a lot of
a few
a little,much
a few
на большее меня не хватило, у самого домашней работы по горлу, может кто потом.Удачи.