1. What are your favourite film? (Уже сделано как пример)
2.Who do you live with? (С кем ты живешь?)
3.What does Vanessa do? (Чем занимается Ванесса?)
4.How old are your children? (Какого возраста твои дети?)
5.Where do you live? (Где ты живешь?)
6.Why do you live in France? (Почему ты живешь во Франции?)
7.How many languages do you speak? (На скольких языках ты умеешь говорить/Сколько языков ты знаешь?)
8.Do you play any musical instruments? (Ты играешь на музыкальных инструментах?)
9.What car do you drive? (Какую машину ты водишь?
10. How much money do you have? (Сколько у тебя есть денег?)
1 Do you get any pocket money?
2 Who gives you pocket money?
3 What do you spend your pocket money on?
Are the things you spend your money on worth it?
4 Have you ever borrowed money?
Who did you borrow money from? Why?
5 Have you ever lent money to anyone? Have people paid you back?
6 Are you saving up for anything at the moment?
7 Have you got a piggy?
8 Do you try to set aside some money for emergency or do spend it all?
9 Should parents pay for doing extra chores?
10 Do many teenagers in Belarus get part-time job to earn some extra money?
These are the main arguments for distance learning:
More and more people today support the idea of studying from home, instead of actual attendance of schools or universities. It is very convenient, on the one hand.
However, the question of online studying as every other topic has its pros and cons. Since the computer was invented, people knew they would be able to do some jobs with the help of it. All the data has been automatically stored in electronic format. It was much easier to keep the information on discs than in huge files. As the Internet was invented, things have become even easier.
The Distance learning is DONT good . I rape this teme . And i thik about your this , is very bed in 3 quether
.Distance learning is bed, of course becouse it is so crash , and people dont know what made.
People dont do not get nCoV better to stay home, you'll be safе
From now on, people could exchange information in the blink of an eye. Soon it was clear that many things can be done online, for example, instant communication or video chatting. The later was especially handy in terms of studying.
There are thousands of courses in numerous disciplines nowadays. It is especially convenient to study foreign languages, economics, biology, history, social science, psychology online. It is also important to mention that there are a few ways to get education from home. One can study with the help of such messengers like skype. In this case, the tutor and student can have video contact. There is also an option to study simply with the help of online notes, i.e. reading e-books and doing online exercises.
One of the main assets of distant learning is that people can choose how much time they want to dedicate to it and when. They are also allowed to use various computer programs while doing their home tasks.
The disadvantage of e-learning, in my opinion, is the absence of group communication. However, I’m sure this is also being fixed. So, if I was asked to choose the type of studying, I would probably go with the one online.