1-our classroom is large and spacious it has a teacher's Desk a chiffonier desks chairs and a large blackboard Windows and chalk it is very pleasant to study in this class and sometimes on holidays we even have colored chalk I love my office very much
2-our school is very cozy large there are many rooms all good teachers good students are also good even with high school students they support help in the dining room we have a very large gym in the gym we love to play games especially cat and mouse I love my school we have an Assembly hall where we hold performances
1. A: I can see you enjoy your job.
B: Yes, very much. I really enjoy learning about new cultures, when I visit companies abroad. I also really like interviewing people for jobs, particularly younger people
A: Why’s that?
B: Because younger people are generally very interested in the country, not only the job, and that’s very important.
A: Mm. What’s about the travelling?
B: Well, I love visiting new countries, but I don’t really like taking the plane.
A: You don’t like flying. Isn’t that rather difficult for someone who works in Thailand?
B: Yes, a little.
A: Is there anything else you don’t like?
B: Yes, I hate telling people we can’t help them. Sometimes we say no because we feel a person doesn’t have the right personal qualities to work in a certain country.
A: What qualities do you think are necessary for someone working abroad?
12. B: I think there are three. First, they have to be adoptable, ready to change their working habits. Secondly, they have to be sensitive people. That means they have to respect the culture of the country they are in. Finally, it’s better if they are outgoing. Outgoing people will make friends easily, and learn the local language more quickly.