W - Good afternoon, lady. What are you going to buy in our cafe? ( Добрый день, леди. Что вы собираетесь купить в нашем кафе? ) V - I want to buy cacao ice cream, fruit ice cream a glass of Coca-Cola. ( Я хочу купить мороженое с какао, фруктовое мороженое и стакан Кока-Колы). W - Sorry, but we haven't got any fruit ice cream. Do you want to buy nut ice cream? ( Извините, но у нас нет никакого мороженого с фруктами. Может, вы хотите взять ореховое мороженое? ) V - Oh. I will not buy any nut ice cream, then. I want to buy mint ice cream. ( Оу. Я не буду брать никакое ореховое мороженое, что ж. Тогда я возьму мятное мороженое ). W - Good. Then, it costs 30 dollars. Thank you for order. ( Хорошо. Это стоит 30 долларов за ваш заказ. ) V - OK then. ( Хорошо )
From ancient times people dreamed to depart to space unknown to them. For this purpose, a century after a century many scientists and not only, dreamed to make flight in a space. And only in the middle of the twentieth century there came an era of astronautics, having begun with start into a circumterraneous orbit of the first artificial satellite. It was only the first step. After that the astronautics started to develop unprecedented rates therefore in only some years in space the first live beings – dogs Belka and Strelka were sent already. The spacecraft with animals onboard safely returned to Earth. Both dogs felt perfectly. It from them left after herself numerous posterity. But weeds Belka and Strelka was only dress rehearsal of flight in space of the person. On April 12, 1961 the first person went to space. It was our compatriot – Yury Alekseevich Gagarin. The whole world remembered his words said by it before flight: let's roll ! Gagarinsky flight moved heaven and earth, gave hope to people on the future. Gagarin and his followers during rather short period of time turned a space into a usual workplace
a day on Mercury ia as long as 59 days on moon