The holidays are the best time of the year,we can do whatever you want,no need to do homework and not have to get up early. My vacation started with the fact that my parents and sister went to the sea. It was very fun we went to the Park,ate ice cream,laughed a lot and rested,and in the evenings we walked along the beach. July was more memorable,because at the end of this month me and my best friend visited Finland,we went to a concert of our favorite band. It was very cool,after the concert, we managed to get backstage. It was incredible and we couldn't hold back the tears. Well, in August, there was nothing unusual,I and my friends spent a lot of time in the Park ,we went to movies,rode the bike and was already preparing for the new school year.
In the fantastic story of the American writer E. B. Whyte it is told about how in one venerable family the little mouse whom called Stewart was born. Stewart wonderfully was born in an ordinary human family Littlov. It not simply little mouse, and the real gentleman in a gray hat and with a cane. Despite tiny growth, Stewart is fearless, dared and is always ready to adventures. Amusing incidents and Stewart Litl's adventures are described by the author with inimitable humour. You are for certain familiar with heroes of the book according to movies and the performances put on the basis of this ridiculous and kind history.
В сказочной повести американского писателя Э. Б. Уайта рассказывается о том, как в одном достопочтенном семействе родился мышонок, которого назвали Стюарт. Стюарт чудесным образом родился в обыкновенной человеческой семье Литтлов. Он не просто мышонок, а настоящий джентльмен в серой шляпе и с тростью. Несмотря на крошечный рост, Стюарт бесстрашен, смел и всегда готов к приключениям. Забавные происшествия и приключения Стюарта Литла описаны автором с неподражаемым юмором. С героями книги вы наверняка знакомы по фильмам и спектаклям, поставленным на основе этой смешной и доброй истории.