Ex.1 Fill in the right form of the word in brackets.
They (provide) the town with all the supplies in the past.
Someone (attack) her on the way home yesterday.
This factory usually (supply) them with necessary goods.
They (reach) the banks of the river two months ago.
Our country (export) goods to the USA.
Ex.2Choose the correct word.
He was lucky/famous/industrial enough to receive such a present from his parents.
This is the most reach/famous/provide monument in our city.
The famous/attacks/banks of the river were very polluted.
She provided/attacked/symbol him with products for the whole week.
This is the most famous famous/symbol/banks of the UK.
Ex.4 Choose the correct word.
She will have reached/attacked her destination by 3 o’clock.
He sent poor people all the necessary supplies/reaches. .
They met at the famous/banks of the river.
There was no drinking/industrial water during the flood.
There was an symbol/industrial revolution two centuries ago.
Ex.5 Choose the correct word.
She was different/extremely tired yesterday.
I have different/famous kinds of stamps.
There were a lot of pleasant/banks surprises at the party.
He was attacked/exported on his way to work.
Give me some water, please. I’m very banks/thirsty .
Ex.7 Choose the correct word.
He was the most famous/best writer in the country.
She is very lucky/different to go to Paris.
My aunt is a very attractive/handsome woman in her thirties.
I was very naughty in my future/childhood.
The Great Fire of London in 1666 was an important event/exhibition in the history of London.
Ascania-Nova - the National Nature Reserve, located in Kherson Region of Ukraine. It’s the only Europa’s Corner of fescue-feather grass steppes, which has never been touched by a plough. It was founded in 1874.
Most of the territory is a beautiful botanical park with numerous artificial lakes and ponds. In this unique park there grow trees and shrubs of all climatic zones of the earth.
Ascania-Nova differs from other reserves because on its territory in addition to local, indigenous steppe species of wildlife, there are well accustomed many rare animals brought from Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia and America. You can meet a bison, camels, wild horses, donkeys, deer, antelopes, saiga, zebras and other animals there.
Ascania-Nova is considered to be one of the 7 wonders of Ukraine. There are 478 different kinds of plants, 368 kinds of different flowers, 18 kinds of mammals, more than 100 species of birds. There is a large library in the museum.
Many books have been written about the National Nature Reserve Ascania-Nova, a lot of different coins and stamps have been issued and a number of films have been released. Welcome to Ascania-Nova!
Аскания-Нова-Национальный природный заповедник, расположенный в Херсонской области Украины. Это единственный в Европе уголок овсяно-ковыльных степей, до которого никогда не дотрагивался плуг. Он был основан в 1874 году.
Большую часть территории занимает красивый ботанический парк с многочисленными искусственными озерами и прудами. В этом уникальном парке растут деревья и кустарники всех климатических зон Земли.
Аскания-Нова отличается от других заповедников тем, что на ее территории помимо местных, коренных степных видов дикой природы, хорошо прижились многие редкие животные, привезенные из Европы, Азии, Африки, Австралии и Америки. Здесь можно встретить зубров, верблюдов, диких лошадей, ослов, оленей, антилоп, сайгаков, зебр и других животных.
Аскания-Нова считается одним из 7 чудес Украины. Есть 478 различных видов растений, 368 видов различных цветов, 18 видов млекопитающих, более 100 видов птиц. В музее имеется большая библиотека.
О национальном природном заповеднике Аскания-Нова написано много книг, выпущено много различных монет и марок, выпущено несколько фильмов. Добро в Асканию-Нова!