Ann asked John what he was doing after school. John told her that after school he plays tennis. Ann asked John where he going to plays tennis/ John answerwd that he plays at the court just behid his house. John asked Ann if she likes to play tennis and Ann answered him that she likes to play tennis and what she plays in her side town. John asked Ann if she was good at it and she told that she not bad at tennis. John asked her if she wanted to come and she replied that she did not have a racquet to play with him. He replied that she could take his spare one. Ann asked John if they would meet outside school.
1. One of the two boxers fell out of the ring. 2. Не played really well, and he scored the last goal too. 3. Make sure you wear your helmet you don't want to hurt your head. 4. It was an exciting match. In the end, we drew 2-2. 5. The referee sent him off in the tenth minute. 6. I'm sure that were going to beat the next team we play 7. I wanted to do swimming, but I forgot to take my goggles, so l couldn't. 8.The pitch we played on was in bad condition. 9 There are sixteen teams in our local football league.
Гипертензия характеризуется стойким повышением артериального давления до уровня 140/90 у лиц с 13 до 50 лет и до уровня 160/95 и далее у лиц старше 50 лет. Гипертензия классифицируется на первичную (основную или идиопатическую) и вторичную. Первичная гипертензия,которая составляет примерно 90% всех случаев,имеет неясную этиологию. Вторичная гипертензия является результатом других патологических состояний: синдрома Кушинга,повышенного внутричерепного давления,проблем с почками,феохромоцитом,коарктации аорты. По степеням тяжести гипертензия классифицируется от первой (умеренная гипертензия с диастолическим давлением 90-104 мм рт ст) до третьей степени (тяжёлая гипертензия с диастолическим выше 115 мм рт ст) Быстро прогрессирующая (злокачественная) гипертензия характеризуется внезапным и быстрым скачком диастолического давления выше 120 мм рт ст и одновременной ретинопатией 1-3 степени. Когда подъём давления угрожает жизни пациента,говорят о гипертоническом кризе. 1)Что такое первичная гипертензия? 2)Что такое вторичная гипертензия? 3)Когда имеет место быть гипертонический криз?
Ann asked John what he was doing after school. John told her that after school he plays tennis. Ann asked John where he going to plays tennis/ John answerwd that he plays at the court just behid his house. John asked Ann if she likes to play tennis and Ann answered him that she likes to play tennis and what she plays in her side town. John asked Ann if she was good at it and she told that she not bad at tennis. John asked her if she wanted to come and she replied that she did not have a racquet to play with him. He replied that she could take his spare one. Ann asked John if they would meet outside school.