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What is a network?
A network is simply two or more computers linked together. It allows users to share not only data files and software applications, but also hardware like printers and other computer resources .
Most networks link computers within a limited area – within a department, an office or building. These are called Local Area Networks or LAN’s. But networks can share information with someone on the other side of the world as easily as sharing with a person at the next desk. When networks are linked together in this way, they are called Wide Area Networks or WANs.
Networks increase productivity by allowing workers to share information easily without printing, coping, telephoning or posting. They also save money by sharing peripherals such as printers.
Answer the questions.
1. What is a network?
2. What are its hardware components?
3. What is the difference between a local area network and a wide area network?
4. What advantages do you think networks have?
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The rapid development of technologies makes the diverse educational mode come true. an increasing number of universities have opened up distance education in many countries at present. at the same time, hundreds of millions of people will benefit from the emergence of brand-new educational mode. from my perspective, i stand on the side of the view that the positive development from distance learning outweighs its negative effect.there is a common recognition that high quality of education should be available for all to enjoy, not just confined to the rich students. take studying abroad as an example, before appearing distance learning, poor students have no chance to take part in further education abroad because of shortage of money. however, now these students can gain the same quality knowledge by spending less tuition. in addition, distance learning is not restricted to special targets and places. the schedule of distance learning is flexibility so that workers can have classes on their leisure time, which cannot affect workers’ daily work, more important thing is both students and workers can choose study places wherever they want. furthermore, schools will save plenty of expenditure on classroom to improve teacher quality.however, there are certainly shortcomings on distance learning. to begin with, taking traditional classes, we can acquire a variety of opinion on group discussion while distance learning is considerably hard to carry out discussion classes with other overseas students. in the second place, distance learning is unable to use without internet. if we suffer from enormous disaster like earthquake or tornado that makes our internet break off, our learning had to halt until the internet recover.in conclusion  , as a  coin has two sides, distance learning without exception. distance learning is not only to make universal education possible but also to promote international exchanges.
4,8(16 оценок)
Наурыз традиционно празднуют в день весеннего равноденствия, 21 марта, на протяжении уже более 5000 лет. Это праздник нового года, обновления природы и встречи весны. Празднуют «рождение весны» во многих странах Азии  -  Казахстане, Узбекистане, Кыргызстане, Туркменистане, Турции, Иране, Таджикистане, Афганистане, Азербайджане, иракском Курдистане, а также Индии.
С Наурызом связано множество народных обычаев. Так, к этому празднику необходимо было закончить все дела, привести в порядок свой дом и хозяйство, посадить цветы, деревья.
Само празднование проходит очень весело, с концертами, национальными играми, театральными сценками, песнями, плясками, игрой на домбре и скачками на лошадях. Также в этот день принято надевать новую праздничную одежду. Считалось, что как проведешь этот праздник, так и пройдет целый год.
Традиционное лакомство, которое готовят на Наурыз – это «коже». Оно состоит из семи ингредиентов – воды, молока, муки, мяса (баранины или говядины), жира, злаков и соли.
Очень много традиций в Наурыз связано с цифрой 7, которая символизирует 7 дней недели. Так, на праздничном столе непременно должно находиться 7 тарелок с «коже», сам стол украшался 7 предметами, в этот день принято было пригласить к себе домой 7 гостей и посетить 7 других семей.
В день праздника люди ходят друг к другу в гости, обмениваются поздравлениями и пожеланиями счастья, благополучия и добра в наступающем году.

перевод на английский
Nauryz is traditionally celebrated on the day of the spring equinox, on March 21, for over 5000 years. It is a holiday of a new year, a renewal of nature and a meeting of spring. They celebrate the "birth of spring" in many countries of Asia - Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan, Turkey, Iran, Tajikistan, Afghanistan, Azerbaijan, Iraqi Kurdistan, and India.
Many national customs are associated with Nauryz. So, for this holiday it was necessary to finish all business, to put in order your house and farm, plant flowers, trees.
The celebration itself is very fun, with concerts, national games, theatrical scenes, songs, dances, playing dombra and horse racing. Also on this day it is customary to wear new festive clothes. It was believed that as you spend this holiday, it will be a whole year.
Traditional delicacy, which is prepared for Nauryz - is "skin". It consists of seven ingredients - water, milk, flour, meat (lamb or beef), fat, cereals and salt.
A lot of traditions in Nauryz are associated with the figure 7, which symbolizes 7 days of the week. So, on the festive table there must certainly be 7 plates with "skin", the table itself was decorated with 7 items, on this day it was customary to invite 7 guests to your home and visit 7 other families.
On the day of the holiday, people go to each other's houses, exchange greetings and wishes for happiness, prosperity and good in the coming year.
4,6(27 оценок)
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