2. Teens today use gadgets as if they were their continuation. His school schedule is very tight. I spilled juice on the keyboard and now it does not work. Be careful, she can reveal your secret. Mary always cares about other people, she is so attentive. The President made an official statement. 3 They must be working abroad. They may have been in Europe. .- It cannot be that Katya passed the exam successfully. - Petya may be writing an essay now. (unlikely) - These children must be attending a private school.
1. speaking, making, boiling, adding, to infuse. 2. high - higher - highest strong-stronger-the strongest favourite-more favourite-the most favourite 3. English people seldom put lemon in their favourite tea. In a well-to-do family it will consist of ham and tomatoes and salad, or a kipper or tinned salmon with strong tea, bread and butter followed by stewed fruit or tinned pears, appricots or pineapple with cream or custard and a cake. The pot is then filled with boiling water and covered to allow the tea to infuse or draw for five minutes.
The film is heroic
she is to treat my neck He is a heroI'm a leader
There is a machine