2. Прочитайте предложения. Определите, в каком времени стоит глагол. Запишите полные предложения и название времени на английском языке. Названия даны ниже.
1 It was raining all day yesterday. past continuous
2 They're going to visit Dublin in the summer. be going to
3 I'm meeting my friends tomorrow. continuous for future
4 He's eaten my lunch! present perfect
5 She wore her new shoes to the party. past simple
6 I'll be very tired after the exams. future with will
7 My dad talks to our neighbour every day. present simple
8 Be quiet! present simple
9 I'm watching TV. present continuous
present perfect present continuous for future present simple be going to past simple future with will past continuous present continuous
Most people in the western world learn English at some point in their lives, but if your school days have only recently been left behind or you have never had to learn English, you may wonder why English is such an important language. English is one of the the most common in the world. 2. English opens up new opportunities for you. 3. English makes you more attractive to employers. 4. English opens the door to the best universities in the world. 5. In English, some of the greatest works of world literature are written.6. English helps you better understand pop culture 7. English grammar is pretty simple 8. English is your pass to the world of knowledge 9. English improves memory and helps keep the brain in good shape 10. Just 10 minutes a day is enough to learn English
Writer - писатель
Rainy - дождливо
Slowly - медленно
Colourful - цветной
Unhappy - несчастливый