1. I go to bed at ten o'clock every day. I went to bed at 10 o'clock yesterday. I will go to bed at ten o'clock tomorrow.
2. I do not go to school every day. I did not go to school yesterday. I will not go to school tomorrow.
3. Do you watch TV every day? Did you watch TV yesterday? Will you watch TV tomorrow?
4. When do you leave home for work every day? When did you leave home for work yesterday? When will you leave home for work tomorrow?
5. My brother goes to work every day. He leaves home at eight o'clock. His office is near our house and he walks there. He doesn't take a bus. Yesterday he didn't go to work. Yesterday he got up at nine o'clock.
6. Did you have time yesterday? No, I didn't.
7. What did you buy at the shop yesterday? I bought a book.
8. Yesterday my father did not read newspapers because he was very busy. He will read newspapers tomorrow.
1. This picture shows us a young lady. She has got a black leather jacket and a red dress. She also has got red shoes. I think she is more graceful than my friend. My friend has got a very pretty face and hands, but she hasn't got so pretty legs.
2. This picture shows us a little boy. He has a blue and white school uniform, a red and gold backpack and black sneakers with white laces. Look! He has the bluest eyes I've seen in my life! Also, he seems to have a positive attitude (настрой), ahah.
3. This picture shows us a lovely young man. He has white pants (брюки), a regular (обычный, повседневный) blue T-shirt and brown boots. Wow! What golden hair he has. They are much brighter (ярче) than mine.
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