past simple:I did homework (я сделал домашнее задание)
She went home (она пошла домой)
It was difficult (это было сложно)
I went to the cinema yesterday. ( я ходила в кино вчера)
They married three years ago. ( они поженились три года назад)
Present Perfect
1.I've just chosen clothes (я только что выбирал(а) одежду)
2.I've never eaten broccoli(я никогда не ел(а) брокколи
3. My cat hasn't spilled drinks yet (моя кошка еще не развивала напитки)
4. I've already done my homework (я уже готов(а) делать домашние задания)
5.I haven't cooked food(я не приготовил(а) еду)
Past perfect:
1.I had lost my old phone.
2.They had not talked much.
3.Had you washed your hands?
4.He started the car, turned the radio on and fastened the seat belt.
5.He started the car, turned the radio on, but before he had fastened the seat belt.
Можно ответ лучшим это правильные ответы
заранее незачто:-)
1. Additives
2. Brittle
3. Underweight
4. Examination
5. Prescription
6. Portions
7. Infections
8. Guilty
9. Distressed
10. Desperate
1. health benefits
2. dairy products
3. medical attention
4. mood swings
5. body image
(вроде так)
I. Fill in: desperate, distressed, underweight, brittle, examination, infections, guilty, additives,
prescription, portions.
1. Consumers are becoming more aware of dangers of Additives in foods.
2. Lack of calcium can cause your bones to become Brittle
3. Julia had an eating disorder and was severely Underweight
4. He had to undergo a routine medical Examination when he joined the army.
5. The doctor wrote me a Prescription for some tablets and cough medicine.
6. The restaurant was famous for the huge Portions it served customers.
7. Ear Infections can be intensely irritating and very painful.
8. The town was in Guilty need of food and medical supplies after the earthquake.
9. Connie felt Distressed after the offensive comments she made about Anna.
10. The actress was deeply Desperate by the bad reviews of her latest film.
(если нужен полностью текст, писать не с заглавной буквы, просто я так выделила, чтобы было удобнее)