10 предложений про погоду в будущем времени, на английском. Используя что то из этого списка:
What is the weather like today? – Какая сегодня погода?
the weather forecast – прогноз погоды
сold – холодно
warm – тепло
hot – жарко
cool (chilly) – прохладно, зябко
frosty – морозно
sunny – солнечно
clear – ясно
stuffy – душно
cloudy – облачно
partly cloudy – переменная облачность
grey (gloomy) – серо, пасмурно
windy – ветрено
breezy - тепло и умеренно ветрено
stormy – очень ветрено
calm (quiet) – тихо, спокойно
dry – сухо
wet – сыро, мокро
humid - влажно
muddy – грязно
rainy – дождливо
snowy – снежно
slippery – скользко
foggy – туманно
hazy - легкий туман, дымка
nasty – мерзко, скверно
a snowflake – снежинка
a rainbow - радуга
a hurricane – ураган
a flood – наводнение
showers - ливни
a drought – засуха
a thunderstorm – гроза
a thunder – гром
a lightning - молния
It’s drizzling. – Моросит.
It sleets. – Идет мокрый снег.
It’s freezing. – Заморозки.
It’s pouring. – Льет как из ведра.
It’s hailing. – Идет град.
It’s overcast. – Небо затянулось тучами.
sunrise – восход солнца
sunset – закат солнца
a season – время года
spring – весна
summer – лето
autumn (fall) – осень
winter – зима
The temperature is 5 degrees above zero. – Температура 5 градусов выше нуля.
The temperature is 10 degrees below zero. – Температура 10 градусов ниже нуля.
2. I have not seen Tom lately.
3. The artist drew a picture of sunset yesterday. She has drawn many pictures of sunsets in her lifetime.
4. I fed birds at the park yesterday. I have fed birds at the park every day since I lost my job.
5. Ann woke up late and missed her breakfast on Monday.
6. I forgot to turn off the stove after dinner. I have forgotten to turn off the stove a lot of times in my lifetime.
7. The children hid in the basement yesterday. They have hidden in the basement often since they discovered a secret place there.
8. The baseball player hit the ball out of the stadium yesterday. He has hit a lot of homeruns since he joined our team.
9. We first met in 2001. So we have known each other for 8 years.