Exercise1 Замените выделенные существительные личными
местоимениями. Запишите только местоимения.
Например: Tom is a doctor. I know Tom very well.(He.Him)
1) Mary is in the garden. Call the girl.
2) The books are on the table. Take the books.
3) The English copybook is in the bag. I put the copybook there.
4) Look at the dog. The dog is sleeping.
Exercise 2 Заполните пропуски нужными личными местоимениями.
1) I have a sister. I love … very much.
2) This is my new cat. Look at … .
3) They are very good people. I know … .
4) Where is the letter? I’d like to read … .
5) My uncle is old. He wants to live with … and my parents.
6) We are good students and our teacher likes to teach … .
7) You are ill, Pete. We want to be with … today.
8) My husband has a new car, but he doesn’t like … .
9) … is my friend. I have known her since childhood.
Pete has three sons. He plays golf with … in his free time.
2. The firm wants us to take partial deliveries.
3. I wonder when a manager will fly to Paris.
4. Mr.Denisov said that he would not be able to receive Mr. Braun tomorrow.
5. There is less furniture in their new flat than in the old one.
6. They didn`t have a car at that time, they have already sold it.
7. As soon as I stay at hotel, I will send you a postcard.
8. It had already dark by five o'clock in the evening
9. Were you writing a letter or watching TV when the phone rang?
10. Haven't you been on vacation this year?