В. Jenny does NOT have any 1.birds 2.fish 3.turtles C. Paul’s turtle is NOT 1.slow 2.sleepy 3.big D. Jenny’s parrots are learning to talk. Their best teacher is 1.a dog 2.Jenny 3.a cat E. Jenny wants to play with 1.a turtle 2.a cat 3.Paul’s sister
1.Large organization mogut ymet managers razlychnoho urovnja include topmanagers , mid- managers and managers nyzsheho Chain Chain .
2.Top menedzherы Responsible for the entire organization and are involved in decision Usuallystratehycheskyh and kontseptualnыh issues. 3.Top managers menedzherы rukovodyat Medium Chain , kotorыe Responsible forhlavnuyu Function Division of ili . 4.Menedzherы Medium Chain rukovodyat managers nyzsheho Chain ,otvetstvennыmy Management ezhednevnыmy action by groups of workers .
5.Ymeyutsya Various Types of managers at one and the same technical Levels in the organization.
1.Large organization mogut ymet managers razlychnoho urovnja include topmanagers , mid- managers and managers nyzsheho Chain Chain .
2.Top menedzherы Responsible for the entire organization and are involved in decision Usuallystratehycheskyh and kontseptualnыh issues. 3.Top managers menedzherы rukovodyat Medium Chain , kotorыe Responsible forhlavnuyu Function Division of ili . 4.Menedzherы Medium Chain rukovodyat managers nyzsheho Chain ,otvetstvennыmy Management ezhednevnыmy action by groups of workers .
5.Ymeyutsya Various Types of managers at one and the same technical Levels in the organization.
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