Science has given us possibility to fly into space and step on the moon, to start studying different parts of our galaxy and even farther. For example, what wonderful pictures of our galaxy and planets and stars surrounding Earth Hubble telescope has showed to us. Now we can develop further and maybe ever step on the other planets and even populate it.
Technology has considerably made our life easier due to different discoveries. For example, nowadays we can travel with extremely high speed in different directions: many countries have high-speed trains which help us to feel comfortable all the way.
Наука дала нам возможность полететь в космос и ступить на луну, начать изучать разные части нашей галактики и даже дальше. Например, какие прекрасные фотографии нашей галактики, ее планет и звезд окружающих Землю подарил нам телескоп Хаббл. И сейчас мы можем развиваться и дальше, и может быть, ступим на другие планеты и даже поселимся на них.
Технологии сделали нашу жизнь значительно легче, благодаря разным открытиям. Например, сегодня мы можем путешествовать с невероятно высокими скоростями в разные направления: во многих странах уже есть высокоскоростные поезда, позволяющие нам чувствовать себя комфортно в пути.
ответ: He said, that in his newspaper, He likes what it includes an interesting culture page
2. She said, that she didn't read newspaper before, because it seemed boring to her.
3. He said, that he read his email every Friday'.
4. Lisa said, that she is happy when she read her journal. It provides her to know all the most important and interesting information.
5. Anna said, that She don't remember when She bought her first book.
6. Olga said, that she thinks it will always remain interesting.
Вроде бы все верно.:)