Hello my dear friend, of course I would recommend you to visit Russia in winter time, I know it’s very cold here, but other wise you could never understand the full beauty of our country . I like to go skiing with my friends. You can actually go ice skating in the Kremlin place. It’s very beautiful there ,this time of the year. I hope you’ll come one day, you definitely should try our winter fishing . We have also delicious traditional food like : blini , borsh, pelmeni and many other dishes that you probably would love. Our country has everything, mountains , lakes the nature is beautiful here and the people are very friendly . We like different cultures and we know a lot about other countries and nationalities, so you would be very wellcomed here. All the best and I hope I convinced you to visit my homeland Russia!
Спортивный клуб "Эллада" объявляет набор школьников 7-9 классов в бесплатную группу активного отдыха. Занятия будут проводиться по средам и субботам в 17.00. В программе: 1. бег трусцой 2. плавание в открытом бассейне 3. пеший туризм 4. занятия фитнесом 5. аэробика 6. легкая атлетика. Справка о состоянии здоровья обязательна. Оргкомитет
Sports club "Hellas" declares a set of students of 7-9 grades in a group of a free outdoor activity. Classes will be held on Wednesdays and Saturdays at 5 PM. In the program: 1. Jogging 2. Swimming in the outdoor pool 3. Hiking 4. Fitness classes 5. Aerobics 6. Athletics. Certificate of health is required. The organizing Committee
Hello my dear friend, of course I would recommend you to visit Russia in winter time, I know it’s very cold here, but other wise you could never understand the full beauty of our country . I like to go skiing with my friends. You can actually go ice skating in the Kremlin place. It’s very beautiful there ,this time of the year. I hope you’ll come one day, you definitely should try our winter fishing . We have also delicious traditional food like : blini , borsh, pelmeni and many other dishes that you probably would love. Our country has everything, mountains , lakes the nature is beautiful here and the people are very friendly . We like different cultures and we know a lot about other countries and nationalities, so you would be very wellcomed here. All the best and I hope I convinced you to visit my homeland Russia!