1. While I was trying to get my car started, a passing car stopped and the driver offered to help me.
Explanation: The action of trying to start the car happened in the past, so we use the past continuous tense "was trying". The passing car stopping and the driver offering help happened at the same time, so we use the past simple tense "stopped" and "offered".
2. The police paid no attention to Jos' complaint because she had phoned them so many times before.
Explanation: The police not paying attention happened in the past, so we use the past simple tense "paid". Jos' phone calls happened before the police not paying attention, so we use the past perfect tense "had phoned".
3. Mary was not wearing her glasses at the time, so she did not notice what kind of car the man was driving.
Explanation: Mary not wearing her glasses and not noticing happened at the same time in the past, so we use the past simple tense "was not wearing" and "did not notice". The action of the man driving the car also happened in the past, so we use the past continuous tense "was driving".
4. Nick lay down on the grass for a while, next to some tourists who were feeding the ducks.
Explanation: Nick laying down on the grass happened in the past, so we use the past simple tense "lay". The action of the tourists feeding the ducks happened at the same time, so we use the past continuous tense "were feeding".
5. Tony admitted that he hit the other car, but said that he did not damage it.
Explanation: Tony admitting and hitting the other car happened in the past, so we use the past simple tense "admitted" and "hit". The action of not damaging the car also happened in the past, so we use the past simple tense "did not damage".
6. Sorry, I wasn't listening to you. I was thinking about something else.
Explanation: The action of not listening happened in the past, so we use the past continuous tense "wasn't listening". The action of thinking about something else also happened in the past, so we use the past continuous tense "was thinking".
7. Helen felt very tired, and when she finished her work, she fell asleep.
Explanation: Helen feeling very tired happened in the past, so we use the past simple tense "felt". The action of finishing her work and falling asleep happened at the same time, so we use the past simple tense "finished" and "fell".
8. The police got to Tom's house as fast as they could, but the burglars had disappeared.
Explanation: The action of the police getting to Tom's house happened in the past, so we use the past simple tense "got". The action of the burglars disappearing happened before the police getting there, so we use the past perfect tense "had disappeared".
9. I phoned you last night but you did not answer. What were you doing?
Explanation: The action of phoning happened in the past, so we use the past simple tense "phoned". The action of not answering also happened in the past, so we use the past simple tense "did not answer". The question asks about the action happening during the same time, so we use the past continuous tense "were you doing".
10. We did not go out yesterday because it was raining.
Explanation: The action of not going out and it raining happened in the past, so we use the past simple tense "did not go" and "was raining".
Обоснование: суффикс -ous добавляется к существительным и обозначает "полный", "полон". Этот суффикс происходит из французского языка. Например, при добавлении суффикса -ous к существительному "danger" (опасность) получается прилагательное "dangerous" (опасный).
Б. Использование слов в предложениях:
1. We don’t know if these chemicals are dangerous to people.
Мы не знаем, опасны ли эти химические вещества для людей.
2. She became famous as a writer.
Она стала известной писательницей.
3. I like to read humorous stories.
Мне нравится читать юмористические истории.
4. There are a lot of poisonous snakes in the jungle.
В джунглях есть много ядовитых змей.
5. It was a glorious victory.
Это была славная победа.
6. He was a courageous soldier.
Он был смелым солдатом.
7. They liked the spacious rooms in their new house.
Им понравились просторные комнаты в их новом доме.
Обоснование: в каждом предложении используется прилагательное, образованное от существительного с помощью суффикса -ous.
C. Вставьте прилагательные из пункта B в предложения:
1. This grassy land is very good for farming. Cows and sheep can feed here all the year round.
Эта травянистая земля очень хороша для земледелия. Коровы и овцы могут здесь кормиться круглый год.
2. Peter, eat some more roast beef. You should eat more: you have grown so bony/fleshy!
Питер, съешь еще кусочек жареной говядины. Тебе следует есть больше: ты такому худющему прибавился!
3. On such foggy mornings, it’s very difficult to drive, as you can’t see the road clearly.
В такие туманные утра очень трудно водить машину, так как дорогу нельзя ясно видеть.
4. These are juicy apples. I like them most of all.
Это сочные яблоки. Они нравятся мне больше всего.
5. My little brother never eats fish if it is watery.
Мой младший брат никогда не ест рыбу, если она водянистая.
6. Holidaymakers love the sandy beaches in the south of Australia.
Отдыхающие любят песчаные пляжи на юге Австралии.
7. Why does this coffee taste so watery?
Почему этот кофе такой водянистый на вкус?
8. The picture shows the rocky mountains of Scotland.
Картина изображает скалистые горы Шотландии.
9. The sky is unusually starry tonight.
Небо сегодня ночью необычайно звездное.
10. Swampy places have a lot of water in all seasons.
Болотистые места имеют много воды во все сезоны.
Упражнение 5. Перевод прилагательных с суффиксом -ic:
- gigantic hound - гигантский пес
- scientific expedition - научная экспедиция
- domestic animal - домашнее животное
- academic year - учебный год
- Olympic games - олимпийские игры
- thematic collection - тематическая коллекция
- basic knowledge - базовые знания
Упражнение 6. Формирование прилагательных с помощью суффикса -al и их перевод:
- industry - industrial (индустрия – промышленный)
- culture - cultural (культура – культурный)
- region - regional (регион – региональный)
- tradition - traditional (традиция – традиционный)
- nature - natural (природа – природный)
- nation - national (нация – национальный)
- agriculture - agricultural (сельское хозяйство – сельскохозяйственный)
- comic - comical (комический)
Упражнение 7. Суффиксы для образования форм национальностей:
- (i)an:
- America - American (Америка – американский)
- Australia - Australian (Австралия – австралийский)
- Canada - Canadian (Канада – канадский)
- Hungary - Hungarian (Венгрия – венгерский)
- Belgium - Belgian (Бельгия – бельгийский)
- Egypt - Egyptian (Египет – египетский)
- Italy - Italian (Италия – итальянский)
- Europe - European (Европа – европейский)
- ese:
- Japan - Japanese (Япония – японский)
- China - Chinese (Китай – китайский)
- Portugal - Portuguese (Португалия – португальский)
Обоснование: для образования форм национальностей используются специфические суффиксы. Например, для образования формы национальности от "Britain" (Британия) используется суффикс -ish, образуя слово "British" (британский).
1. Though the cup is made of thin glass, it is not breakable.
Хотя чашка сделана из тонкого стекла, она не ломается.
2. She thought of all imaginable names to guess the name of their new classmate.
Она придумала все возможные имена, чтобы угадать имя нового одноклассника.
3. Everybody respects him. He is very respectable.
Все уважают его. Он очень почетный.
4. I can't read the book. It is not readable.
Я не могу прочитать книгу. Она нечитаемая.
5. The nouns are divided into countable and uncountable.
Существительные разделяются на сосчитываемые и несосчитываемые.
Explanation: The action of trying to start the car happened in the past, so we use the past continuous tense "was trying". The passing car stopping and the driver offering help happened at the same time, so we use the past simple tense "stopped" and "offered".
2. The police paid no attention to Jos' complaint because she had phoned them so many times before.
Explanation: The police not paying attention happened in the past, so we use the past simple tense "paid". Jos' phone calls happened before the police not paying attention, so we use the past perfect tense "had phoned".
3. Mary was not wearing her glasses at the time, so she did not notice what kind of car the man was driving.
Explanation: Mary not wearing her glasses and not noticing happened at the same time in the past, so we use the past simple tense "was not wearing" and "did not notice". The action of the man driving the car also happened in the past, so we use the past continuous tense "was driving".
4. Nick lay down on the grass for a while, next to some tourists who were feeding the ducks.
Explanation: Nick laying down on the grass happened in the past, so we use the past simple tense "lay". The action of the tourists feeding the ducks happened at the same time, so we use the past continuous tense "were feeding".
5. Tony admitted that he hit the other car, but said that he did not damage it.
Explanation: Tony admitting and hitting the other car happened in the past, so we use the past simple tense "admitted" and "hit". The action of not damaging the car also happened in the past, so we use the past simple tense "did not damage".
6. Sorry, I wasn't listening to you. I was thinking about something else.
Explanation: The action of not listening happened in the past, so we use the past continuous tense "wasn't listening". The action of thinking about something else also happened in the past, so we use the past continuous tense "was thinking".
7. Helen felt very tired, and when she finished her work, she fell asleep.
Explanation: Helen feeling very tired happened in the past, so we use the past simple tense "felt". The action of finishing her work and falling asleep happened at the same time, so we use the past simple tense "finished" and "fell".
8. The police got to Tom's house as fast as they could, but the burglars had disappeared.
Explanation: The action of the police getting to Tom's house happened in the past, so we use the past simple tense "got". The action of the burglars disappearing happened before the police getting there, so we use the past perfect tense "had disappeared".
9. I phoned you last night but you did not answer. What were you doing?
Explanation: The action of phoning happened in the past, so we use the past simple tense "phoned". The action of not answering also happened in the past, so we use the past simple tense "did not answer". The question asks about the action happening during the same time, so we use the past continuous tense "were you doing".
10. We did not go out yesterday because it was raining.
Explanation: The action of not going out and it raining happened in the past, so we use the past simple tense "did not go" and "was raining".