Jazz is type of music and the only art form that was created in the United States.Jazz was created by black Americans.Many blacks were broght from Africa to America as slaves.Different native songs were sung by the black slaves and the music of their homeland was played in America. The first jazz bands were formed at the end of the 19th century. Today jazz is played all over the world.On every continent special festivals are held where jazz muscians from the United States,Asia,Africa,South America and Europe meet and share their music.Let's hope that no matter what happens in music jazz will always be performed and listened to.
1)If I had an American visa, I would go to New York this summer. -
Если бы у меня была американская виза, я бы поехал в Нью-Йорк этим летом.
2)If I was \\ at the seaside now, I would lie \ in the sun.-
Если бы я был на берегу моря сейчас, я бы лежал под солнцем.
3) If you lent \me some money, I would give you back tomorrow.-
Если бы вы одолжили мне немного денег, я бы отдал вам их завтра.
4)I would do more exercises if I were you.- Я бы делал больше упражнений на твоем месте.
5)If it rained tomorrow, we wouldn't go on a picnic.- Если бы был дождь, мы не поехали на пикник.
6)If we had a yacht, we would sail the seven seas.- Если бы у нас была яхта, мы бы плавали по семи морям.
7)We would help you if we knew how but we didn't. - Мы бы тебе, если бы знали как, но мы не знаем.
8)My brother would buy a sports car if he hadthe money - Мой брат купил бы спортивный автомобиль, если бы у него были деньги.
9)If they told (to tell)their father, he would not be (to be) very angry. -Если бы они рассказали отцу, он бы не был таким сердитым (он бы так не рассердился)