What is the writer doing in this text?A.describing a group's habitat . B. explaining a group 's history. C. giving information about a group. D. detailing why a group is nomadic. Какой из них правильный ответ
My little homeland .Nothing on earth could be closer, dearer than home. Each person has their own homeland. Some of the large city, others little village, but all the people that love her the same. Some go to other cities, countries, but nothing can replace her. Homeland does not have to be large. It can be any corner of your city, town. I have my own favorite place. This is grandma's house in the village. There is nothing better than this corner of Russia. Every holiday I try to visit grandma, especially in the summer. I like to lie on the green grass, basking in the sun on the river Bank. The neighborhood birds are chirping, and it seems that time stops. Life fades, and you forget about all the problems. Beautiful evening! Good weather, the sun sets and the sky the moon appears. Silence, only chirping crickets. Look up at the sky, and the stars seem so close that if you reach, you can touch them. Grandma says: this is due to the fact that the river close.
1. Fox is a carnivorous animal. she Has ginger fur, fluffy tail. She is cunning and quick 2. Monkey funny animal. She's making faces, doing different tricks and laugh at the zoo. 3. The horse is big and strong animal. She has quick feet and hardy. It is possible to ride. 4. The wolf predator. Wolves gather in packs and become dangerous to humans. The wolf grey thick fur, which protects it in winter. 5.rabbit is a very nice pet. He has lovely soft fur and long ears. He loves carrots 6.The camel has two humps. So it can not long be without water 7.Dolphin is a very intelligent animal, he is easy to train. 8. snakes are very dangerous. The bite of some snakes can kill people. Snakes can change the skin 9.the cow is a domestic animal. The cow gives us milk. She has strong horns and a big wet nose 10.The bear in winter sleep. And in the summer wanders through the forest in search of food. Bears love honey 11. goose-poultry. Geese can pinch if they get angry 12 the eagle is a large bird of prey. He can go up into the sky and look for food. 13.the whale is the largest mammal. Whales allowed in the air from the water fountain.