1)You CANNOT park here it’s strictly forbidden.
2) CAN you TRY to understand his singing?
3)Children MUST wash their hands before taking meals.
4)She is too sick. She CANNOT walk and MUST stay in bed.
5)I had to go to the next shop, because I COULD NOT buy any bread in the nearest one.
6)You CANNOT smoke here.
7) The city is a big jungle where you CAN easily get lost.
8) Everybody OUGHT TO to escape from fire.
9) Elephants CAN carry big logs.
10) I used to sing well.
A modal verb is an auxiliary or supporting verb that is used to support the main verb in a sentence.
Some examples of modal verbs include can, could, may, might, will (shall), would, should, must and ought.
У большинства людей есть хобби и интересы, которыми они предпочитают заниматься в свое свободное время.
Что касается меня, то у меня нет много свободного времени, особенно в будние дни. Однако в выходные я стараюсь делать все, что мне нравится больше всего. Сюда относятся катание на коньках, боулинг, танцы, плавание, чтение, слушать музыку и прогулка с друзьями. Катанием на коньках я начала заниматься совсем недавно, и мне это даже нравится. Плавание является моим самым любимым занятием. Для боулинга и танцев мне нужна компания. Иногда я и мои друзья ходим на ближайшую дискотеку потанцевать. На первом этаже расположен боулинг, так что мы можем совмещать эти два занятия.
I’m a great fan of such interesting attractions as Cinema and Theater. They are similar to each other but they are still different. I can’t really tell what I like more, but I can tell you about them.
Cinema is a great attraction. First of all you can go and watch a great movie on a big screen with good sound and HD quality! Isn’t it fantastic? But that’s not all. Also you can buy tasty pop corn and eat it while watching a movie.
Theater is quite different: in Cinema you watch recordings, movies, without real acting on the scene in front of you. In Theater actors try their best to please you in real time. Beautiful music and songs are also there.
Up to you. What do you like most? Sometimes I want to go to Cinema, sometimes to Theater. They are great and interesting attractions for me and others.
Thank you for your attention.
Надеюсь я смогла вам Удачи.