I’d like to describe picture №1. The picture shows some little girl. She is in her classroom. The girl is sitting at the desk. I think she is doing some task that her teacher gave to her. She is writing or drawing. This little girl is very cute and smiley. She is the pupil, because she is wearing some school uniform. She's got fair hair in the ponytail. I like this picture and I've chosen it, because this girl is very nice and she's in a good mood doing her classwork.
A 5
B 2
C 3
D 6
E 4
A 4
B 2
C 1
D 2
E 2
1. Loaf - буханка
2. Carton - упаковка
3. Box - коробка
4. Bowl - миска, тарелка
5. Glass - стакан
6. jar - банка, ёмкость.
7, bottle - бутылка
№5 смотри когда how much , то это неисчесляемое: нельзя почитать. Например sugar сахар, milk, bread хлеб и другие. Теперь how many: исчисляемое: можно посчитать. For example: eggS, appleS, tomatoeES ; тут мы добавляем в конце -s или -es , т.к можно посчитать
Следующий на очереди any. Используем в (-) и (?) предложениях Any= Какой-то,некоторый,любой. Do you have ANY new books? У тебя есть какие-нибудь новые книги? И отрицание: I don’t have ANY sugar . У меня нет сахара. How about = как насчёт. to - к , so — так. Тут уже выбирай сам. Ведь де нужно полностью перевести предложения, чтобы понять смысл.
How about eggs and sausages for breakfast ?
I like sausages. Do we have any cheese? Look in the fridge . There is a little.
I like bread with cheese and butter. Make some tea
, please.
get - got
be - was/were
meet - met
do - did
help - helped
tidy - tidied
wash - washed
go - went
iron - ironed
smile - smiled
write - wrote
have - had
make - made
come - came
stay - stayed
send - sent
hurry - hurried
cry - cried
say - said
take - took
buy - bought
reply - replied
want - wanted
know - knew
see - saw
wait - waited
dance - danced
ride - rode
visit - visited
speak - spoke
take - took
were, helped, made, tidied, ironed, cleaned, prepared, did, went, took, wrote, went, bought, baked, cooked, had, came, was, had, watched, read, went, met, had, got
We didn't made our beds, tide our rooms and iron our clothes
Mu sister didn't prepare spaghetti for lunch
After lunch I did'nt washing-up
My sister didn't take a bath
Our dad didn't have a busy day at work
We both didn't have a great time and got home
When you helped your mum at home yesterday?
Who did the washing up after lunch?
Where you went for a walk with your dog in the afternoon?
What happend when you had dinner?