1. At first coal gas was used as fuel for diesel engine. - Сначала угольный газ использовался в качестве топлива для дизельного двигателя. (was used - Past Simple Passive) 2. Thanks to new cars with greater capacity, the freight turnover will be increased. - Благодаря новым вагонам с большей грузоподъемностью будет увеличен грузооборот. (will be increased - Future Simple Passive) 3. About 60% of the Moscow-St. Petersburg railway line is equipped with an auto – block system and over one third is electrified. - Около 60 % железнодорожной линии Москва - Санкт-Петербург оснащено системой автоблокировки и более трети электрифицировано. (is equipped, is electrified - Present Simple Passive)
2. Zardak was an alien from planet Vecon. He was fond of travelling. He had little silver horns on his head. 3. Zardak has seen nothing in London because he hasn’t gone out yet. 4. Mr Kirk has bought Zardak a hat because Zardak had little silver horns on his head. And people could see them. 5. Zardak made Mr Kirk agree to go to the city centre with the use of these horns. 6. Mr Kirk explained to Mrs Evans that Vecon was a town in California because he didn’t want Mrs Evans to know the truth about Zardak. 7. He didn’t tell Mrs Evans the truth because she wouldn’t believe it. 8. She wants to ask: «Where is it situated?»
9. Mr Kirk wanted to finish their talk because Zardak could tell Mrs Evans that he was from the planet Vecon. And Mr Kirk said that they were in a hurry. Вроде так
угольный газ использовался в качестве топлива для дизельного двигателя. (was used - Past Simple Passive)
2. Thanks to new cars with greater capacity, the freight turnover will
be increased. - Благодаря новым вагонам с большей грузоподъемностью будет увеличен грузооборот. (will be increased - Future Simple Passive)
3. About 60% of the Moscow-St. Petersburg railway line is equipped with
an auto – block system and over one third is electrified. - Около 60 % железнодорожной линии Москва - Санкт-Петербург оснащено системой автоблокировки и более трети электрифицировано. (is equipped, is electrified - Present Simple Passive)