Plurals - множественное число имен существительных. Читай внимательно! Большинство исчисляемых существительных образуют форму множественного числа путем добавления суффикса S Например: a cat - five cats. Если слово кончается на -s, -ss, -sh, -ch, -x, -o. То добавляется окончание -es. К существительным оканчивающимися НА ГЛАСНУЮ ПЕРЕД БУКВОЙ -y, добавляется также суффикс -s. Во множественном числе -y заменяется на -i и добоваляется -es: a lady - a ladies. У существительных оканчивающихся на -f или -fe во множественном числе эти буквы заменяются на одну -v и добавляется -es: life - lives.
When we live in a particular country, we automatically become exposed and 1) (accustomed) to a range of images and symbols embedded in songs and pictures, places, and traditions. These images and symbols include 2) (famous) people in the culture, and architectural and landscape features. The 3) (ablility) of students to recognise these images helps them to feel more 4) (confident) and to become more fluent. The aim of the activities in this section is to 5) (familiarise) students with popular images and symbols in the target culture. A secondary aim is to help students (6) (identify) and compare the images and symbols in British and American culture, and then to contrast these with the images and symbols in their own. Some activities focus on places and people associated with the culture, some allow the learner to 7) (explore) the cultural 8) (references) in popular songs.
1 in the centre of Moscow
2 it was built in in 1824
3 russian architect Jozeph Bove
4 the front part of the building has eight colums
5 People can see the scuipture of Apollo the patrons of Arts
6 On the stage of the Bolshoi Theatre people can watch classical operas and ballets
7 Russian school of ballet made the B.Theatre famous all over the world
8 The ballets Swan Lake, The Sleeping Beauty, Giselle, the Nutcracker