Gold - it is usefull metall in world, it use in jewerly,expensive and precious - gold. Conducts heat and electricity, melting point is 1064 Celsius. Very soft metall.Edible,exist edible gold in the world, he added in icecream he serve in one restourant «Serendipity 3» for 25000 dollars. Краткое сообщение, о нем еще очнь долго можно писать. Перевод: Золото - это полезный металл в мире, он используется в ювелирном деле, дорогое и ценное - золото. Проводит тепло и электричество, температура плавления достигает 1064 градуса по Цельсию. Очень мягкий металл. Оно съедобно, существует съедобное золото, оно добавлено в мороженое, оно подается в в одном ресторане Серендипти за 25000 долларов.
The bicycle has a history that goes back about 600 years and is quite different than the bike as we know today.The first bike was invented in 1418, an Italian engineer, Giovanni Fontana.He constructed a human-powered deviceconsisting of four wheels and a loop of rope connected by gears, according to the International Bicycle Fund (IBF).In 1813, about 400 years after Fontana built his wheeled contraption, a German aristocrat and inventor named Karl von Drais began work on his own version of a Laufmaschine (running machine), a four-wheeled, human-powered vehicle. Then in 1817, Drais debuted a two-wheeled vehicle, known by many names throughout Europe, including Draisienne, dandy horse and hobby horse.