1. The pupils have written the dictation. 2. My friend has helped me to solve a difficult problem. 3.I have learned a poem. 4. She has told them an interesting story. 5. Kate has swept the floor. 6. The waiter has put a bottle of lemonade in front of him. 7. I have eaten my breakfast. 8.We have drunk water.9. He has brought them some meat and vegetables.10 You have put the dishes on the table.
Ученики написали диктант. Мой друг мне решить трудную проблему. Я выучил стих. Она рассказала им интересный рассказ. Катя подмела пол. Официант поставил бутылку лимонада перед ним. Я съел свой завтрак. Мы выпили воду. Он принёс им немного мяса и овощей. Ты поставил посуду на стол.
The Petrovs have got two children - a doughter and a son. They have got a four-roo flat in Minsk. They have got a sittig-room a bedroom a children's room ans a study. Their doughter Neily has got a lot of tous. Their son Victor has got many interesting books. The chilren have got two peta - a cat and a dog.
1) Had you a smoke?
I had no a smoke.
2) Has she a shower every morning?
She has no a shower every morning.
3) Had they a dance?
They had no dance.
4) Have you a talk from to time?
We have no a talk from to time.
5) Have you usually a pleasent time here?
You have no a pleasent time here.
6) Have your friends lunch at eleven o'clock?
My friends have no lunch at eleven o'clock.