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Преобразуйте предложения из прямой речи в косвенную:
- Tell me the truth
- Could you recommend me a good broadsheet, please?
- Don`t forget to buy some magazines!
- Switch off the TV now!
- How long have you been reading magazines?
- Do you have any unbiased newspapers in your newsagent?
- Why did you start reading The Times?
- Bring me my newspaper, please.
- Sam. Don`t read this newspaper. It`s biased.
- Tim, tell me about the latest news, please.


1 She asks me to tell her the truth.

2. He asks me if I can recommend him a good broadsheet.

3. My mum reminds me not to forget to buy some magazines.

4. My dad asks me to switch off the TV.

5. My friend asks me how long I have been reading magazines.

6. Ann asks me if I have some unbiased newspapers in my newsagent.

7. My teacher wonders why I started reading The Times?

8. My grandad asks me to bring his newspaper.

9. My grandad advised me not to read this newspaper because it's biased.

10.Tim's teacher asks him to tell her about the latest news.

4,4(8 оценок)
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Rock music is a genre of music started in america. it has its roots in 1940s and 1950s rock and roll and rockabilly, which evolved from blues, country music and other influences. according to the all music guide, “in its purest form, rock & roll has three chords, a strong, insistent back beat, and a catchy melody. early rock & roll drew from a variety of sources, primarily blues, r& b, and country, but also gospel, traditional pop, jazz, and folk. all of these influences combined in a simple, blues-based song structure that was fast, danceable, and catchy.” rock usually has a prominent vocal melody, accompanied by guitar, drums, and bass. many styles of rock music also use keyboard instruments such as organ, piano, mellotron, and synthesizers. other instruments sometimes utilized in rock include saxophone (originally in the 50s the central instrument), harmonica, violin, flute, french horn, banjo, melodica, and timpani. also, less common stringed instruments such as mandolin and sitar are used. rock music usually has a strong back beat, and often revolves around the guitar, either solid electric, hollow electric, or acoustic.in the late 1960s, rock music was blended with folk music to create folk rock, blues to create blues-rock and with jazz, to create jazz-rock fusion, and without a time signature to create psychedelic rock. in the 1970s, rock incorporated influences from soul, funk, and latin music. also in the 1970s, rock developed a number of subgenres, such as soft rock, heavy metal, hard rock, progressive rock, and punk rock. rock subgenres that emerged in the 1980s included synthpop, hardcore punk and alternative rock. in the 1990s, rock subgenres included grunge, britpop, indie rock, and nu metal.a group of musicians specializing in rock music is called a rock band or rock group. many rock groups consist of a guitarist, lead singer, bass guitarist, and drummer, forming a quartet. some groups omit one or more of these roles and/or utilize a lead singer who plays an instrument while singing, forming a trio or duo; others include additional musicians such as one or two rhythm guitarists and/or a keyboardist. more rarely, groups also utilize stringed instruments such as violins or cellos, and/or horns like saxophones, trumpets or trombones.
4,8(95 оценок)

я хочу рассказать вам о артуре, о его нечеловеческом желании жить полной жизнью несмотря на все невзгоды и недуги. эта о не унывающем и сильном человеке, который не мог ходить из за травмы позвоночника и коленей. он смог побороть недуг.он смог побороть себя.

инвалида, который смог встать на ноги

в течении 15 лет все врачи твердили ему что он не сможет никогда ходить самостоятельно. и на какое то время им удалось его в этом убедить..

инвалида, который смог встать на ноги

артур был десантником, и из за полученного ранения во время военных действий в персидском заливе, но больше из за большого количества прыжков с парашютом, у него сильно травмировались позвоночник и колени.

инвалида, который смог встать на ноги

он практически сдался и у него опустились руки.. он стал набирать вес, который только ухудшал картину.

инвалида, который смог встать на ноги

ему было 47 лет и он был с трудом передвигающимся калекой.

инвалида, который смог встать на ноги

но он отнюдь не оставлял надежды когда-нибудь снова передвигаться на своих двоих. все тренеры, которые могли ему , сказали ему тоже самое что и все врачи и отказались от него. все кроме одного.. продолжение далее в видеоматериале.

на :

i want to tell you about arthur, about his inhuman desire to live a full life despite all the hardships and ailments. this story is about a not discouraging and very strong man who could not walk because of injuries to the spine and knees. he was able to overcome the disease.he was able to overcome himself.

the story of a disabled person who was able to stand on his feet

for 15 years, all the doctors told him that he could never walk on his own. and for a while they managed to convince him of that..

the story of a disabled person who was able to stand on his feet

arthur was a paratrooper, and for injuries received during military actions in the persian gulf, but more because of the large number of parachute jumps, he has a very badly injured spine and knees.

the story of a disabled person who was able to stand on his feet

he almost gave up and his hands went down.. he began to gain weight, which only worsened the picture.

the story of a disabled person who was able to stand on his feet

he was 47 years old and a cripple with difficulty.

the story of a disabled person who was able to stand on his feet

but he has not given up hope of ever getting back on foot. all the coaches who could help him told him the same thing as all the doctors and refused him. all but one.. continuation of the story further in the video

4,8(18 оценок)
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