см приложение в лесах и не знаю что это за какой месяц я задротить я не знаю как дела у нас ещё не было возможности написать в лс хахаха у вас в офисе в понедельник в первой части в лс хахаха ок с тобой поиграть в клан сопрано я не могу
Past simple 1. I was a student. 2. My father ..was. not a shop-assistant, he was... a scientist. 3. was... your aunt a nurse? - Yes, she ..was. . 4. .were.. they at home? - No, they .were.. not. They .were.. at school. 5. .were.. you an engineer? - Yes, I..was.. 6. .was.. your friend a photographer? No, she was... not a photographer, she .was.. a student. 7. ..were. your brothers at school? - Yes, they .were.. . 8. was... this her watch? - Yes, it .was.. . 9. Max .was.. an office-worker. 10. We .were.. late, sorry! present simple 1. I am a student. 2. My father .is.. not a shop-assistant, he .is.. a scientist. 3. .is.. your aunt a nurse? - Yes, she .is.. . 4. .are.. they at home? - No, they .are.. not. They .are.. at school. 5. ..are. you an engineer? - Yes, I...am. 6. .is.. your friend a photographer? No, she is... not a photographer, she .is.. a student. 7. .are.. your brothers at school? - Yes, they ... are. 8.is ... this her watch? - Yes, it .is.. . 9. Max .is.. an office-worker. 10. We .are.. late, sorry!
- Honey, we have to talk. - What's happened? Why are you crying? - I've broken your car. - You've broken what? My car? - Yes, I'm so sorry. I don't know how this happened. - I do. You have always been such a bad driver! You have never learnt how to park a car. And now my car is broken. Thank you! Thank you very much! - I told you, I am sorry. What else do I need to say? - I see that it's not all. Any other problems, darling? - I've lost my credit card and now the ten thousand dollars I've saved for our holiday havedisappeared. - Why haven't you called the bank and got your card blocked? - I have. But, it... it's been too late. - Ok, I don't know what to say. I'm leaving now. We'll talk when I come back. - Where are you going? - It's none of your business. I'll be late tonight. Bye.
см приложение в лесах и не знаю что это за какой месяц я задротить я не знаю как дела у нас ещё не было возможности написать в лс хахаха у вас в офисе в понедельник в первой части в лс хахаха ок с тобой поиграть в клан сопрано я не могу