I, without hesitation, invited the guys to go to the cinema. Moreover, just released a new movie! They all gathered at the bus stop at three in the afternoon. Our bus is about to arrive, and we will be there. All in a pleasant expectation. After ten minutes we were near the cinema. There he is! So big and beautiful! On the big screen at the entrance, advertising of new films flickers, everything is in scarves, glistens and burns. How amazingWe bought tickets on the seventh row, from there it will be perfectly visible. Before the start of the session 30 minutes are left, what to do with yourself while waiting? There are many options here. The boys decided to play table hockey with Anya and Dasha to try their luck and win soft toys, and I and Nastya jump on trampolines. Time flew by, you need to go into the hall for 8.The film lasted an hour and a half, very interesting, exciting, intriguing. With the help of special glasses, you could immerse yourself in it completely, become one of the heroes, going through all the difficulties and obstacles with them, experience fear and joy. The sound quality makes you even more penetrate this atmosphere. Unfortunately the viewing is over, it's time to return home, nevertheless I am happy! It was amazing, the guys are also happy. We agreed to visit this place every weekend. Now I have something to tell my friends
Выберите подходящий вариант. Перевести предложения вРусский.1. Черновики ... не сложная игра.A представляют собой B представляет собой C be2. Я смогу прийти завтра, если вы A понравится B понравится C понравилось опаздывайте на занятия.A не B не C нет4. Там ... не страсть, столь сильно внедренная в человеческое сердце, какЗависть.A - B, C - это5. Человек ... живет хлебом единым.A не B не C не является6. ... вы когда-либо ... .. фильм, в котором разбился поезд или корабль затонул?A Did ... see B Have ... seen C Do ... see7. Это ... с раннего утра.Дождь В лил дождь C шел дождь8. Вы хороший футболист. С каких пор ты ... футбол?A ... играли B ... играл C играл ... играл9. Мой брат ... уроки музыки в течение трех лет.A взяли B брал C взял10. Динозавры ... миллионы лет назад.Вымерший B умер, C вымерли
Russia,RF Dear,friend Thank you for your last letter. I was very glad when I gave it. Your subject is very intresting. It'll be great idea studying this subject in my school too. I think that you are very cool cook. Usually my mum cooks for our family. Every day we have to eat yougurt and eggs because it's necessary for the health. You ask me what can I cook but I can't cook. I want to study cooking so I do sandwiches every day for the dinner. So I like deserts. ...I like apples pie, cookie and chocolate biscuits to. Usually I eat biscuits with black tea. What about you? Do you like biscuits with a tea or with a coffee? Write me later With love, Имя
I, without hesitation, invited the guys to go to the cinema. Moreover, just released a new movie! They all gathered at the bus stop at three in the afternoon. Our bus is about to arrive, and we will be there. All in a pleasant expectation. After ten minutes we were near the cinema. There he is! So big and beautiful! On the big screen at the entrance, advertising of new films flickers, everything is in scarves, glistens and burns. How amazingWe bought tickets on the seventh row, from there it will be perfectly visible. Before the start of the session 30 minutes are left, what to do with yourself while waiting? There are many options here. The boys decided to play table hockey with Anya and Dasha to try their luck and win soft toys, and I and Nastya jump on trampolines. Time flew by, you need to go into the hall for 8.The film lasted an hour and a half, very interesting, exciting, intriguing. With the help of special glasses, you could immerse yourself in it completely, become one of the heroes, going through all the difficulties and obstacles with them, experience fear and joy. The sound quality makes you even more penetrate this atmosphere. Unfortunately the viewing is over, it's time to return home, nevertheless I am happy! It was amazing, the guys are also happy. We agreed to visit this place every weekend. Now I have something to tell my friends